Wijk aan Zee tourist information & travel guide

Best kept secret of the North Sea coast

Find holidays in any season

Current local weather

Overcast clouds @ Wijk aan ZeeOvercast clouds
15,7 °C
Moderate breeze: 4 Bft, NorthEast

Wednesday: Clear sky @ Wijk aan Zee
Thursday: Clear sky @ Wijk aan Zee
Friday: Clear sky @ Wijk aan Zee
Saturday: Broken clouds @ Wijk aan Zee

Discover Wijk aan Zee

A place to fall in love with

Wijk aan Zee

Wijk aan Zee

Beaches Wijk aan Zee




Beverwijkse Bazaar

Beverwijkse Bazaar

Sea and Harbour Museum

Sea and Harbour Museum

Bunker museum

Bunker museum



Offers and Lastminutes

Accommodations in and near Wijk aan Zee

Resort Beach Houses Wijk aan Zee 4

Price dropfaq Price drop

Fri. 27. Sep. — Mon. 30. Sep.
Sonnevanck Wijk aan Zee

Sonnevanck Wijk aan Zee

Mon. 7. Oct. — Fri. 25. Oct.
Fletcher Hotel Zeeduin

Fletcher Hotel Zeeduin

Fri. 11. Oct. — Mon. 1. Sep.
Huize de Weijde Blick

Huize de Weijde Blick

Mon. 4. Nov. — Fri. 29. Nov.
Almost At The Beach

Almost At The Beach

Mon. 4. Nov. — Mon. 23. Dec.
Villa 't Haasduin

Villa 't Haasduin

Mon. 11. Nov. — Mon. 30. Dec.
Strandhotel Het Hoge Duin

Strandhotel Het Hoge Duin

Mon. 18. Nov. — Mon. 23. Dec.
Villa Eva Rosa

Villa Eva Rosa

Fri. 3. Jan. — Fri. 3. Jan.
Mare Sanat

Mare Sanat

Fri. 3. Jan. — Fri. 3. Jan.
Boutique hotel Puur Zee

Boutique hotel Puur Zee

Fri. 10. Jan. — Fri. 28. Mar.
Alibi aan Zee

Alibi aan Zee

Fri. 18. Apr. — Fri. 25. Apr.
Resort Beach Houses Wijk aan Zee 3

Price dropfaq Price drop

Fri. 18. Apr. — Mon. 29. Sep.
Resort Beach Houses Wijk aan Zee 6

Price dropfaq Price drop

Fri. 18. Apr. — Mon. 29. Sep.
Resort Beach Houses Wijk aan Zee 5

Price dropfaq Price drop

Fri. 18. Apr. — Mon. 29. Sep.
Resort Beach Houses Wijk aan Zee 2

Price dropfaq Price drop

Fri. 18. Apr. — Mon. 29. Sep.


Upcoming events in and near Wijk aan Zee

Car Boot Sale

Car Boot Sale

National Museum Week

National Museum Week

Car Boot Sale

Car Boot Sale

National Mills Day

National Mills Day

Lifeboat Day

Lifeboat Day


More information

Frequently asked questions

  • Renting sunbed, windbreaker, umbrella and/or beach chair
  • Municipality Wijk aan Zee
  • Nearest Hospital Wijk aan Zee
  • What does the blue flag mean at the beaches?
  • Exchange, fill, rent or buy (camping) gas bottles?
  • Opening times during the low season

About us

infoWijkAanZee.net is the best website that offers you free information on everything that Wijk aan Zee has to offer. Moreover, we offer objective information, because this website is not part of a municipality, travel agent or tour operator. WijkAanZee.net also helps you find the most suitable hotel, guesthouse, bed & breakfast, apartment, vacation home, bungalow or camping.

On our website you will also find information about the area, events, sights, weather, beaches, attractions and so on, and around Wijk aan Zee.